httpcert is an Apache module, that enables Apache itself to manage x509 certificates efficiently, for Client Authentication over HTTPS.
Through Web-Interfaces,Clients/Webadmin can create/submit/sign certificates using In-House CA Certificate.

This module has two interfaces to manage all certificates.
            1) Admin Interface.
            2) Clients/Users  Interface.

1)Admin Interface:
             Using this interface,We can able to create our own CA and
server certificates.Also admin can revoke client certificates.

2)Users Interface:
            Using this interface, the clients can
register/create/submit  the CSR and can send to admin Interface by
providing user info with this CSR.( User interface may have email/passwd
authentication to create  CSR ).
             Finally these CSR will be validated (by user info) and
signed by CA  and the certicate will be kept in the mysql DB and also
mailed to user's mailaddress.
             Using this UserInterface, users can download their
Certificate at any point of time, by giving credentials(For more secure .p12 file will 
be mailed to your private given mailID),Henceforth Clients are no need to carry their .p12 file 
             These kind of auto setup will be much usefull for SMES to
authenticate their intranet sides/Information by providing Client
Authentication in apache like,employees to access intranet sides/Information/RemoteSystem Control
and so on.Also  May helpfull for bank/customers, mobile service providers/customers kind of webserver's
client auth with the huge level of certificate manmagement.

More project details can be obtained from Logo